Friday 16 January 2015

We are Pirates!

This week we have been enjoying Maths week in school. Our theme was pirates so every lesson this week has had a link to both maths and pirates! We completed lots of swashbuckling activities, including making treasure maps, designing pirate ships and even walking the plank!

Your task this week has been set by Pirate Pete....

Aye, aye me hearties. I have one last task for all you scury dogs. We have just docked on a new treasure island. I want you to write a description of the island, using as many interesting adjectives, similes and verbs as you can. Anyone that forgets their capital letters and full stops will be forced to walk the plank! Arghhhhh!


  1. Thankyou for pirate week MissTracey.

  2. The island was wrecked like haunted house! It was such a disaster. I reckon about 89% of the island was broken.The coconut tree was broken. All I saw was sparkly, sand floating like snowflakes.

    Nothing accept 5 $ or £.

    It looks like the island was hit by a bomb & got eaten by a sea monster!!!!!!!
    HEY! Shiver me timbers!

    Wheres my treasure??Aaaaaaaahhh! Its with the sea monster!
    Well bye bye my hearties.I'm of to my next adventure…

  3. The island was small there weren’t many palm trees, but it had plenty of coconut and mango trees. They were as tall as sky scrapers. The sand was golden and glistened in the sunshine.
    I walked over the hill to the other side of the island, there were large rugged rocks on the beach, with an abandoned pirate ship. Broken pieces of the ship were spread across the beach.
    There were no other people on the Island, my crew and I were the only ones on the Island.

  4. This island has 5 partries all around. Also it has treasure you will most kindly find it on H6. Your pirates will have 90% of chance to find the treasure. Be careful there
    three traps you can be cached really easy. I will tell you were they are 76,56.98. Here are the co ordinates so it is easyer for you. it will be easy like cow. Good Luck!

  5. This island has lots of trees all around eq palm trees i love it.There is a large sea all around me.There is a big tree of coconut and mango.You can eat it and its very nice.I walked over the hill to the other side of the island there were lots of pirates ships and on the sea i saw dengerous sharks i got very sceard and shocked.This was an amazing adventure.

  6. As soon as I arrived on the island, I felt the wind blowing all of the sand away. There was only 22% of the beach left. There were coconut trees swaying to the breeze and the circular coconuts were falling off. There were some crabs wandering side to side and they looked terrified. It wasn't because of the island it was because they could see 5 pirates fighting in the distance on two boats. There were three pirates on one boat and they were fighting because the two pirates on the other boat wanted to steal their treasure.

  7. This island is covered in trees and has a gigantic VOLCANO. It has a river going from the top right to the bottom left and treasure buried 50 metres under the ground in the north. There are lots of mountains and one is like Mount Fugi and at the top it's covered in lots and lots of deep snow. There is a village next to the Volcano. The people are very poor and parrots were a poular pet. Finally there is a beach that is filled with coconut trees

  8. This island is very very very big. It has a huge treasure. I REALLY WANT THE TREASURE. But I need to make a plan because an evil ship wants it too. My plan is making invisible quicksand, then a scary house, another good ship of mine. Maybe it will work. Then the bad people came and now we wait 1 hour later... MY PLAN WORKED!!! My monster house swallowed them immediately. I GOT MY TREASURE!!!

  9. The Island it's in the midle of the Ocean, the sand is golden brown with lots of seaweed around. I walked with my crew through the forest and i climbed up a cocnut tree, i could see the entire island! On the other side there was a huge ship with pirates and they were stealing the treasure from us!i shouted to my crew to get ready and get our gold back!

  10. The island is huge.The sand is golden and sparkly.Island is full treasure,is got emeralds,diamonds and gold.The sea is surrounded by rocks.In the middle of the island has big mountain,where the treasure is hidden.Near the mountain there is a little hut.

  11. On the island there were no people, there was a river going down and it was surrounded by big plum trees.The treasure was located in the centre of the island with a parrote laying on the top of the treasure.There was a volcano next to the river and the island looked haunted.

  12. The sand was golden yellow like couscous.There were tall green trees in a nearby forest.On the beach there were many tall coconut palms rocking in the wind.I could see the intrance to the treasure cave by some rocks nearby. I walked into the cave and there was a pile of shiny treasure on the floor.

  13. When I arrived at the island I was speechless. It was full with gold and so meany
    treasure chest's. As I turned my head I saw THE BIGGEST GOLDEN COIN IN THE WORLD it glistened in my eyes so much that I had to put sun glasses on. Then I turned my head to the other side and saw a VOLCANO that was going to errupt but it was too far to burn us. It looked furious. Red larva was bursting out and black smoke floating out.

  14. As soon as I got to the island there were wrecked ships everywhere .When i walked deeper in the island my parrot ''I see the X that marks the treasure.'' Once I got it dug out of the sand the gold was so shiny not even my sunglasses helped.Sooner or later i managed to get contact with the treasure there was a medal that said ''well done for finding the treasure''. Soon it was getting dark so I dumped the treasure with the rest of the Loot that I had collected today.

  15. It's this island where there are Trees all around the Island. Right by the treasure there is a acid pool so watch out for that and also a volcano on i, 7 to be polite. My treasure is buried 90 metres in the ground also there are mountain and 1 is like Mount Everest the tallest mountain in the world.there is a rest point at a6 but watch out for traps and the island is as big as 13 anacondas.

    1. I liked the way you described your setting.

  16. thank you for all of pirate week Mrs Tracy

  17. On this lined there is lots of traps and one chest to find.
