Monday 29 September 2014


We have been using Scratch in our Computing lessons to create an animation. 

Try using Scratch online to prepare you for our next lesson;

There are also some great examples of animations on the website. Have a look at them for inspiration.

Miss Tracey

Friday 26 September 2014

Poetry Week!

Hello everyone,

Next week is Poetry Week and the theme is 'Remembering'! Therefore, we will be spending a lot of time reading and writing lots of different poems.

Your Literacy homework for this week is to find an amazing poem that you would like to share with the class. If you're struggling to find one, this website has loads of great poems;

I'm looking forward to hearing them next week!

Miss Tracey

Friday 19 September 2014

Welcome to the Thames Class Blog!

Hello everyone! 

Welcome to our blog. 

We will be using our blog to share our learning and our experiences throughout the year. I will also be using it to set you homework tasks and challenges.

Please read the 'Blog Rules' page before you start using it. 

I'm looking forward to reading all your comments.

Come back soon for a new post!

Miss Tracey