Friday, 27 March 2015

The Tudors

After Easter, we will be learning about the Tudors, in particular, their daily lives, buildings, religion and kings and queens.


To prepare for our topic, you must find ten interesting facts about the Tudors. Write them in the comments below. Make sure you read everyone else's facts, you might learn something new!

Here are some websites that will help you;

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Gathering Data

This week we have been gathering data and displaying information in tally charts, bar graphs and line graphs.

Your task this week is to look carefully at the chart below, and come up with five high quality questions to ask about the information. For example, 'How many people preferred magenta to white?'.

Once you've written your questions, have a go at answering someone else's!

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Extreme Environments

Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about the Polar Regions. In particular we have learnt about the differences between the Arctic and Antarctic, how animals are adapted to live there and how climate change is affecting these regions.

This week, your task is to choose an animal that lives in the Polar Regions and write a paragraph explaining how they are adapted to live in these extreme environments. Think carefully about the colour of their fur, where they live, what they eat and how they survive the cold.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Mother's Day Assembly

We will be having our Mother's Day Assembly at 10 o'clock on Friday 13th March in the Lower Hall.

Please remind all your mums to come along!

Friday, 6 March 2015

Healthy Eating

This week in our Science lessons, we learnt about the different food groups and how much of each food group we should eat in order to have a healthy diet.

This week, your task is to create a menu for a day of healthy meals. Think carefully about how many servings of each food group need to be included in a normal day. You must include a meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner and at least one snack.