Friday, 5 December 2014

Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece

This week we have been learning about the gods and goddesses that the Ancient Greeks believed in.

Today we found out that the Ancient Greeks used to tell stories and myths about their gods. On this website there are lots of Ancient Greek myths;

I would like you to read as many as you can and then tell me about your favourite one in the comments. We will read some of the best ones in class next week.

Friday, 28 November 2014


This week we have been revisiting stories of mystery and suspense. In the story 'Staying Out', the author shows the characters moving from one setting to another.
Your task is to look carefully at the picture below and write about travelling to that setting and what it was like when you got there. Think carefully about;

  • where you would have been beforehand
  • how you would have travelled there
  • why you were going there
  • what it was like when you got there.

Remember to use short sentences and lots of description!

Write your descriptions in the comment box below. Please remember to write your name on your comments. 

I'm really looking forward to reading them!

Miss Tracey

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Christmas Play

We have been practising our Christmas play this week and we have noticed that some of you are not very confident with your lines. Please remember to practise your lines for the Christmas play every day. These parts are very important and we want the play to be fantastic! We will be practising lots over the next two weeks and we will expect everyone to know their lines off by heart.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Book Reviews

This week your task is to write a book review. It should be about a paragraph long and include:

·       Some adverbs (these describe verbs e.g. jumped quickly)

·       Title and author

·       What the book was about

·       What you thought of the book

·       What ages/types of people you think should read it

·       If you would recommend it to a friend
Write your book review in the comments section below.

Times tables

This week everyone will be learning all the times tables from 1 to 6. You have been learning these since September so you should all be super confident with them by now. We will have a times tables test on Friday.

There are some great games on this website to help you practise;

Sunday, 9 November 2014


This week we have been learning about the features of newspaper articles.

Here are some examples of headlines;

New Rules Keep Fishermen in Plaice

Sleepless Knights at Haunted Castle

"Sew What?" ask Clothes Manufacturers

Witch Halloween Costume Is For You?

Bakers Have Flour Power

A Horse's Mane Problem

These headlines are effective because they use puns and wordplay to make people want to read the article.

I would like you to come up with your own headline for the picture below. Try to include a pun or alliteration to make your headline stand out.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Year Three Homework

7th November 2014

All homework is due on Thursday 13th November. The spellings and times tables check will take place on this day.


This week we have been looking at graphs and data. Please complete the Mathletics activities on graphs and data.

Times Tables:

This week everyone will be concentrating on their 3 and 4 times tables. We would like you to learn these so that you can recall the multiplication facts really quickly. You will then be able to progress onto the next times table after successfully achieving two 100% scores for that times table.


We are continuing with the topic “Helping plants grow well”.


When learning your spellings, think about when you would use the words.  When you are tested, you will put the words into a sentence.

The words for each spelling group can be found on the 'Spellings' page.

Home Reading:

Please remember to read for 10-15 minutes per day and fill in your reading record. As well as your guided reading books, you can read other story books. Parents should aim to sign the reading record at least once a week.

Remember – there are spaces in your reading record for you to write down any tricky words or words you don’t understand for me to have a look at in school.

Friday, 31 October 2014


This half term, in our Computing lessons, we are going to be researching and creating a presentation on a topic that you want to learn more about. You will choose what topic you are going to research and then we will be using lots of different search engines and programs to create your presentations.

Therefore, I would like you to start thinking about what topic you would like to research. Here are some ideas to inspire you;

A country that you would like to learn more about

A famous historical person

An aspect of Space or Science

A sport that you are interested in

The River Thames

Please post a comment underneath telling me which topic you would like to research. I'm looking forward to seeing all your different ideas. 

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Ancient Egypt

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. I would like you to think about all the different things you have learnt and tell me your favourite thing about Ancient Egypt and why you found it so interesting.

Here are some pictures to inspire you:

My favourite thing about Ancient Egypt is mummification. I think it's really interesting that they believed so strongly in an afterlife that they put so much preparation into mummifying and burying their dead. Did you know that they placed lots of treasures into the tombs of their dead pharaohs so that they would have all their worldly possessions in the afterlife? These are just some of the amazing things that Howard Carter and his team of Egyptologists found inside Tutankhamun's tomb:

Friday, 24 October 2014

Homework 24.10.2014

All homework is due on Friday 7th November. The spellings and times tables check will take place on this day.


This week we have been looking at fractions. There were lots of children who were struggling with the division form last week, so I will be re-setting the division homework for you to try, as well as some work on fractions. We will be recapping fractions and division after the break, as well as looking at different types of graphs and data.

Times Tables:

After half term, everyone will be concentrating on their 11 times tables. We would like you to learn these so that you can recall the multiplication facts really quickly. You will then be able to progress onto the next times table after successfully achieving two 100% scores for that times table.


We are continuing with the topic “Helping plants grow well” after half term.


When learning your spellings, think about when you would use the words. 

The words for each spelling group are on the spellings page which can be found at the top of this page.

Home Reading:

Please remember to read for 10-15 minutes per day and fill in your reading record. As well as your guided reading books, you can read other story books. Parents should aim to sign the reading record at least once a week.

Remember – there are spaces in your reading record for you to write down any tricky words or words you don’t understand for me to have a look at in school!
I hope you all have a wonderful half term. I can't wait to hear about all the exciting things you get up to!
Miss Tracey

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Finish the Story

I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise....

Friday, 17 October 2014

Homework 17.10.2014

From this week, all homework will be set on the blog. Please make sure you check it every Friday so you can keep up to date with your homework.

All homework is due on Friday 24th October. The spellings and times tables test will take place on this day.


This week we have been looking at multiplication and division. Please complete the 2 or 3 Mathletics tasks for this week.  If you have any problems try the help button (?) and then your class teacher.

Times Tables:

This week everyone will be concentrating on their 2 and 5 times tables again. If you feel that you know these really well you can start learning the 4 times tables as well. We would like you to learn these so that you can recall the multiplication facts really quickly. You will then be able to progress onto the next times table after successfully achieving two 100% scores for that times table.


Our Science topic over the next few weeks is “Helping plants grow well.”


The words for each spelling group are on the 'Spellings' page. You can find this at the top of the page.
We have received many queries from parents about how to keep track of their childs progress in spelling tests. As the children are now in Year 3, we are trying to promote independence and we are encouraging the children to take responsibility for their own learning. In the future, when the children get a spelling wrong, it will be written in the 'tricky words' section of their reading record. This will allow them to do their corrections at home.
Home Reading:

Please remember to read for 10-15 minutes per day and fill in your reading record. As well as your guided reading books, you can read other story books. Parents should aim to sign the reading record at least once a week.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

King Tutankhamun

We have been learning about Ancient Egypt in our Topic lessons. 

This week we designed our own death masks based on Tutankhamun's famous death mask.

Here is a website where you can learn more about King Tutankhamun;

Monday, 13 October 2014

Spooky Settings

This week we have been learning how to describe spooky and mysterious settings. Can you write a paragraph to describe this setting? Don't forget to include lots of amazing adjectives and at least one simile.

Write your paragraphs in the comments below.

Miss Tracey

Friday, 3 October 2014

Mystery and Suspense!

Next week we will be learning about stories of mystery and suspense. Do you have a favourite mystery story?

To get you thinking about spooky stories, I would like you to write a short 100 word story, using the picture below as inspiration. Write your stories in the comments below.

I can't wait to read them!

Miss Tracey

Monday, 29 September 2014


We have been using Scratch in our Computing lessons to create an animation. 

Try using Scratch online to prepare you for our next lesson;

There are also some great examples of animations on the website. Have a look at them for inspiration.

Miss Tracey

Friday, 26 September 2014

Poetry Week!

Hello everyone,

Next week is Poetry Week and the theme is 'Remembering'! Therefore, we will be spending a lot of time reading and writing lots of different poems.

Your Literacy homework for this week is to find an amazing poem that you would like to share with the class. If you're struggling to find one, this website has loads of great poems;

I'm looking forward to hearing them next week!

Miss Tracey

Friday, 19 September 2014

Welcome to the Thames Class Blog!

Hello everyone! 

Welcome to our blog. 

We will be using our blog to share our learning and our experiences throughout the year. I will also be using it to set you homework tasks and challenges.

Please read the 'Blog Rules' page before you start using it. 

I'm looking forward to reading all your comments.

Come back soon for a new post!

Miss Tracey